“Let the Children come to me”
At daily Mass in Jeremie yesterday morning, our priest
referenced Jesus’ words from the Bible, Matthew 19:14, “Let the Children come
to me.” Later in the day, one of our
team members commented that was her favorite bible verse.
I reflected back over our day in connection with that verse—
Throughout our morning service yesterday, we listened to the
sounds of crying babies in the nearby orphanage.

We waved to many beautiful children along the roads and in their tiny homes built into the mountainside staring wide-eyed at our vehicle as we made our made our way to visit St. Anne’s Church in Basse Voldrogue.
When we arrived at St Anne’s we were greeted by dozens of smiling and laughing young preschool children in their matching uniforms—eager to sing for us, learn our names, and play with us. And as the day progressed, we went from classroom to classroom meeting the older and far more subdued students who were studying hard in their small unlit classrooms. Some had walked many miles to school, even crossing a river to get there. Some children were standing outside the school witnessing the action but unable to participate as their parents couldn’t afford to send them to school.

I climbed into bed with images of these “children” of all
ages—the young ones filled with innocent dreams and hope that their country
will serve them well and the older ones working to be sure those dreams come
true. With that, I was able to sleep.
“Let the Children Come to Me.”
Ann Brau