It's hard not to be myopic when my daughter is in Haiti. While doing my best to give equal attention to a team of 19 all week, now that we are all back in the US, I allowing myself to be flooded with the amazing feeling of watching Clara grow in compassion, faith and love during her week in Haiti.
I learned the Creole words for "daughter" as soon as we arrived . Petit fille mwen. How fun to lavish all of my motherly attention on my middle child. I love taking all ages and abilities to Haiti. It's especially rewarding to travel with youth and young adults. It's an experience that, I have no doubt, changes the course of young lives.
Big decisions happen, like choosing an area of study at university and whether or not to pursue mission work. And small shifts happen. Seeing the world from a different lens. Planting a seed of compassion that will grow and blossom over a lifetime. Seeing the power of God's love when our own strength fails.

Clara has always been a 'baby magnet' and it was no different in Haiti. Children founds her arms everywhere we went. Haiti overwhelms the senses of anyone who is there for the first time. It can be hard to find moments to rest. How is life for the mama of the child Clara is holding in this photo? Where does she find rest in densely populated Cite Soleil? Where did she give birth to this child? Where does she find clean water, food and health care? We pray and love on the child God puts in our arms that day as best we can.
The young people on our team helped us to remember to play and have fun! Ring around the Rosie, soccer, spontaneous dance parties, coloring, acting out Bible stories, singing goofy camp songs. We had fun with each other and our Haitian friends. (I still can't do the floss dance!)
The faith of everyone on my team was remarkable and beautiful. Singing worship songs with children and elderly touched hearts and drew us closer to God. Our team members all had the beautiful opportunity to bathe special needs children and the feet of elderly. What a remarkable way to imitate Jesus.
Mission work is all about relationships. We relate to our team members, to our gracious Haitian hosts and to our amazing God. What an incredible blessing Clara and I had on our relationship in Haiti. I never tire of watching my children (and team members) serve others and radiating Christ's love. Thank you too all who supported us on this journey.