1. Watching Fr. Talbot’s luggage come down the baggage carousel in PAP. Zipper destroyed. Contents spilling everywhere. One sandal is still MIA in the PAP airport.
2. Witnessing Ann shrewdly bargaining with 10 goudes for a bag of plantain chips to a vendor jogging alongside our car window
3. Pulling into a picturesque convent and orphanage and seeing Croatian nuns serving afternoon coffee and homemade cake with meringue topping to UN patrols from Brazil.
4. Speaking English to a Croatian nun who is from Bosnia and serving in Haiti.
5. Going on a hike with two Haitian nuns, an Evangelical Haitian American Pastor, a Catholic priest, an 8th grade Haitian boy, a missionary from the Jersey shore and my sister. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.
6. Visiting a fully operational rum factory in remote Jeremie, Haiti, with homemade barrels, hand carved wood pipes, and a diminutive proprietor who served me a sample in a quickly emptied water bottle. Sharing said rum with Haitian nuns.
7. Speaking Spanish to a Haitian nun who used to live in Mexico
8. Dancing with Anita at the Village of Jesus. No music necessary! Anita sings and I mimic her in dreadful Creole. Frauline outfit is an added bonus
9. Catching Jean Souffrant from Reiser Heights wearing Christmas socks - in May.
10. Meeting happy pigs in Leogane who were dining on organic mangos, which were growing in great abundance on the same farm.
11. Fantastic school shoes on a 2nd grade boy.
Peace & Joy,
Much...better than anything David Letterman ever listed.