Last week we had our first Reiser Relief board of directors’
trip to Haiti. We had planned the trip long before Hurricane Matthew, and it
seemed God’s timing that we went when we did. We are blessed with so many who
pray for my team during trips and who want to learn about what we saw when we
were there. The trip was not all about Hurricane Matthew. We had a school board
meeting at Reiser Heights. We met with other three other ministry partners in
Port au Prince to celebrate joys and check in on needs. We were honored to meet
Fr. Rick Frechette and learn more about the work of his organization. We connected as a team. We laughed (a lot), drank Prestige, and even sang a few
silly songs.

But what consumes my thoughts is the portion of our trip to
Jeremie and Marfranc Haiti, areas devastated by Hurricane Matthew. We traveled
west from Port au Prince via a 7 hour bus ride. Around Port au Prince Haiti
looked like Haiti and I could see no evidence of the storm other than dirt
roads were more washed out than usual. A couple of hours into our bus ride the
scene changed. At first I saw lopsided palm trees. Branches were all pointed in
one direction. Then there were missing roofs on some buildings. Then trees
blown over. Then trees with all leaves blown off. Then missing roofs on most
buildings. Then concrete walls blown over.
It is difficult to put into words the enormity of the destruction we
saw. It looks like photos I have seen of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was
And I can only witness to what
was visible from the road. There are mountain villages that are still cut off
from aid and witness.
“The October 4
hurricane…smashed fishing villages and shredded mountain hamlets with the force
of a bomb blast, obliterating crops, killing livestock and leaving fruit trees
as bare as matchsticks…In some towns, 80 to 90 percent of homes were destroyed
by Matthew’s 140-mile-per-hour winds. The Category 4 storm converted tin
roofing panels into flying razors and broken tree branches into spears.” Nick
Miroff, Washington Post
Before & After Hurricane Matthew |
A couple of days after we returned from Haiti the US State
Department issued a warning:
“U.S. citizens are advised not to travel to the southern
peninsula of Haiti, commonly referred to as the "southern claw." The
U.S. Embassy has currently banned unofficial travel to the southern peninsula
and allows official travel only after consultation with its security office.
There is widespread devastation throughout the southern claw with the most
affected areas on the western tip of the peninsula. Travelers can expect
difficult travel conditions with roads made impassable by landslides, damaged
roads, and bridge failures. There is also widespread damage to buildings and
infrastructure, including gas stations and cell towers, loss of electricity,
and shortages of food and potable water.”
Before & After Hurricane Matthew |
Even more telling is what we didn’t see. No city trucks were surveying damage, no
government convoys were offering assistance, no insurance agents were filing
claims. We saw no chain saws, 4 wheelers, or front end loaders. There was little
more than Haitians in muddy flip flops hacking at downed trees with machetes,
scavenging for tin and tarps to keep the relentless rain from once again soaking
their few possessions.
Before & After Hurricane Matthew |
At Asile Marfranc, where just over one year ago Reiser
Relief entered into a partnership with the Little Sisters of St. Therese of the
Infant Jesus, the devastation nearly took my breath away. Elder care dormitories were destroyed. A
funeral was in progress for one of three elderly who had passed away during and
after the storm. The 32 remaining elderly and vulnerable adults were sleeping
in a neighborhood school that had a roof, dirt floor, and little else to offer
for shelter or comfort. The sisters’
beds were crammed in a tiny area of their house that still had a roof. The rest of their residence is a patchwork of
tarps, moldy corners and buckets catching rain. The school, that was dedicated
with much fanfare in March of this year and just recently received its first
class of 57 kindergarten students, lost its roof. New books were disintegrating
in a soggy pile. Ruined mattresses were piled high, twisted steel and lumber
lay dangerously askew. What was once a lush landscape filled with beautiful
shade trees was transformed into a barren vista of leafless or toppled trees.
Asile Marfranc |

I came to offer prayers, comfort, support and a listening
ear to Sr. Evelyne who manages the ministry and others. When I couldn’t hold
back my tears, I instead received comfort and an admonition from Sr. Evelyne to
keep my chin up and my head high. And with eyes lifted I began to see signs of
hope. New leaves were sprouting on seemingly lifeless trees. There was singing
and laughter in the air. Hammers were pounding on an occasional new tin roof at
homes along the road.
Downed trees were
being turned into charcoal that can be sold for a profit. Sister Evelyne was
singing hymns and the elderly sang us an upbeat welcome song complete with
clapping and dancing from those who were able. The new bathrooms that we
fundraised for last year at this event were entirely intact!

We spent time with Bishop DeCoste of the Jeremie Diocese.
All of the 45 parishes in the diocese have severe damages. After sharing the
many needs, the Bishop translated a sign in Creole that hangs on his wall: Do
all the good you can, All the time you can, Everywhere you can.
So we focus on the good that we can do, right now, in
Marfranc. We can partner with the sisters to shelter and feed the vulnerable
and elderly of the community, we can re-roof the school so that the children
can return to their routine, we can repair the convent so the sisters have a
safe place to live. We can pray for the sisters and the community and share
their story with others.
Thank you for your support and love. Forgive me when I
struggle to answer your question, “How was your trip?” I want to share. I often don’t know where to begin. It was an
honor to witness. It’s difficult to put into words. I’ll do my best.
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