Today was an important day as it reinforced what I’ve been trying to accomplish this past year, and I think it’s important that each us strive to find. We each are given talents from the Lord that is far ranging for many reasons. Some know their talents at a young age and I know from experience that it can take some time to find. It was difficult to know and realize we are given these talents with a plan in mind to make each of us the best we can be. Through today’s gospel at mass, team meetings and bible verses confirmed this lesson, but simplified the meaning for me that talents are wide-ranging for reasons we don’t need to know the ‘why’ to; rather trust in the Lord’s plan and adhere to the gift/s he has given you.
The gifts that I’ve been given have been in front of me the whole time and perhaps I tried to ignore them either in fear or hope there would be a better one ahead. Trust in the Lord’s plan and I believe it will provide the opportunities he wants you to have. It’s alright to want things for yourself, but understand this life is to serve by using those talents given to you. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many on this trip who aim to serve those less fortunate. We are all here to serve and to listen to our calling and to do what is asked without question.
Embrace the Lord who is good and do good in his name.
By: Anthony Wilder
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