Monday, July 17, 2017


It is impossible to volunteer in Haiti without being impacted in a deep, personal way. The level of suffering here is so apparent, and the needs are so great. Yet amid this suffering, the Haitian people find ways to display love and joy, which radiates through their friendly charisma and beautiful culture. Don’t get me wrong – Haitians are fully aware of their misfortune. It is truly incredible that their faith and trust in God remains strong despite this.

Mission trips are an important “first step” for many. They force people to step out of their comfort zones to serve those on the fringes of society with unconditional love. Whether working with the nuns at the elderly home in Leogane, hosting vacation bible school for the children at Reiser Heights, or visiting the sick in Titanyen, every member of the Reiser Relief team was challenged immensely.

We also got to see the importance of working with local communities on mission projects. Reiser Relief works together with religious nuns on the ground in Haiti to determine the needs of local communities before advancing their projects. Likewise, we witnessed the potential for Haiti’s future by learning about new small business ventures in Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas.

Our team bonded enormously over the past week. However, this mission is only a first step. We must now determine the next step that God is asking each one of us to take.

Will Jude