landed softly after a bumpy two-hour mountain ride; the children don't overrun
you at such an altitude. I would imagine the school had once been as beautiful
as Grace Village appeared yesterday. And one can't call it neglect as I surmise
corralling 380 students in those small rooms sucks every last drop of the
staff's energy. TLC with paintbrushes and patchwork are badly needed for
goodness' sake. And how sad is it that their kitchen is empty? Providing spiral
notebooks and a basketball is a start, but so much more is required. Required
of all of us. We must help if we can. And can't we?
trip redefines your vocabulary. It puts "un" in a completely new category when
you describe unbelievable people, unfathomable poverty or the uncanny faith in
Jesus found surrounding Port-Au-Prince. Superlatives used in your world before
arriving just don't fit here. The "over" in overwhelming, if used to describe
the emotional experience in Haiti, will reach too high if used back home.
Should someone describe anything using "incomprehensible" or "inconvenient" how
much discipline will it take not to interrupt with a Haitian comparison? So
please give me a moment if eyes appear distant. I'll ask for your patience with
my inability to adequately answer questions.

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