Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reiser Relief Haiti - Day 2, October 13, 2015

Today we spent the day delivering water to Cite Soleil. On our first day really getting into Haiti, we couldn’t have asked for a more powerful way to connect with the Haitian people. It’s easy to take for granted something as simple as clean water in our every day life. Today we had the opportunity to reflect on the things we often refer to as necessity – food, water, clothing and shelter – most of which are pretty easily accessible to us. These people struggle to have any of those things.

We learned today that Cite Soleil is the poorest slum in the western hemisphere. From the wild pigs eating garbage along the streets, to the naked children running around with no clothes on their back, I haven’t ever seen poor like this. However, from the time we pulled up in our tap-tap to deliver water, it became apparent that the Haitians were giving to us all day long. You could see this on the little girl’s face who gave me a little pout and just wanted to give a kiss on the cheek and a smile. From the minute we walked onto the street, the children would literally cling to us, just looking for someone to carry them and hug them. If you dared to set them down, they would be trying to climb back up. It wasn’t a rare sighting today to see volunteers carrying several children at once. They also shared their gifts and culture with us – braiding hair, jumping rope, playing hand-clap games and singing. We were even surprised at the kids doing the Nae-Nae dance for us.

After delivering water, we stopped by a soccer organization to play soccer with the kids and give them each a pair of gym shorts that were donated by a MN school. All of the shorts were size XL. My first thought when looking at these very small Haitian kids was that the shorts weren’t going to fit… but I was quickly reminded that these children have next to nothing. When we passed out the shorts, the kids were as happy as can be. With bright smiles they all responded “Thank you!” no questions asked, no hesitation. How often during Christmas time have we all first checked our gifts to make sure they’re the right size, brand, style, etc, before showing our gratitude for something? It’s a pretty incredible thing to witness.

We were all pushed outside of our comfort zones today. But you know what they say – there’s no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone. We’re all looking at things a little differently today.  

- Brittany

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