When I was little and we were
taught about starvation and malnutrition at church, people always talked about
starving children in Africa. We were showed pictures of people in rundown
buildings surrounded by dunes of sand. Sand as far as the eye could see. Starving
children in the deserts of Africa.
I’m not saying that there aren’t
starving children in Africa, but what we were taught wasn’t very accurate.
First of all, Africa isn’t a country, it’s a continent. Another note about
Africa: It is not one giant desert. There are many different countries and
climates within Africa. Secondly, children aren’t the only ones who starve.
Adults can starve too, but the children get attention in the media because they
draw more sympathy. Thirdly, children (people) do not starve ONLY in Africa.
There are starving and malnourished people all over the world, including the
USA. People don’t have to be in deserts to starve either.
So, I looked up the definition for “desert”
on dictionary.com, and here was the first result I got:
A region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only
sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all.
However, there is another
definition that I found for desert:
place lacking in something”
definitely has lacking in things. This is especially true of Cité Soleil, which
is where we went today to help with the water truck. There were signs of lack
all around. Lack of food, lack of water (we were bringing water to the people
for a reason), lack of clothing, lack of cleanliness, lack of electricity, lack
of health, lack of peace. Although Haiti is not a desert by geological
definitions, it is a desert in many other ways.

Elena Getchell