I believe that we all have a God-given instinct for empathy. Having empathy allows us to feel what others feel. Having empathy allows us to care for others as if we were caring for ourselves. Being in Haiti has awakened empathy I didn't even know I had. I know that when I get back to the States, I will be a more empathetic person because of Haiti. Haiti has changed me - it has transformed me into a better person. That is the blessing of Haiti. As we serve the lost and forgotten people of Haiti, we are also giving ourselves a great gift - the opportunity to become better Christians and better people. Back home, there are people in our midst who are suffering and need our help. By seeing what we've seen in Haiti, I believe that we will be more willing to help those who need it. I am so glad I went on this mission trip!! I would encourage anyone to come down here for a week and see what God has in store for you.
My word of the day: Empathy.

Sometimes it seems as if the Light of God shines through the people of Haiti. In that sense, they are the sun and we are the moon, reflecting their light off of us onto the world. I hope and pray that we continue to reflect their light well after we get back home. I know everyone in our team has been permanently transformed into more empathetic people. I believe that the mission of Reiser Relief is much broader than Haiti - through its transformed volunteers, the world will be a better place. I am so impressed by the absolute quality of this organization!! I am confident that Father Reiser would look down on us and be very happy indeed. For he can see the Light of the Haitians reflecting off of us and that is a very good thing!!
-Bill Munson
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