Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm not afraid

God touches us at unexpected moments in Haiti.  Yesterday we visited the Village of Jesus.  This was Fr. Reiser's first project in Haiti.  It is managed by the Sisters who beautifully care for 40 abandoned elderly women.

One of our team members is a breast cancer survivor, and lost her mother to breast cancer.  Ann was moved to change her shirt yesterday morning and wear pink, the color in the United States that symbolizes the fight against breast cancer.

When we entered The Village of Jesus Ann was drawn to a resident there, Marisol, who is suffering from breast cancer.  Marisol lifted her shirt and revealed the large tumor in her breast to Ann.  Her tumor is on the same side as Ann's tumor was.   Cancer treatment is not an option for Marisol, but she is lovingly cared for by the Sisters and spending her days in a peaceful, clean and God filled environment.

God worked a reverse mission on Ann yesterday.  Ann is still grieving the loss of her mother and recovering from the trauma of being a survivor.  God poured his healing rain on Ann yesterday and she tenderly prayed and spent time with Marisol.  It was a time that allowed her to grieve the effects of breast cancer in her life.

Marisol and Ann

We come to Haiti afraid of many things.  We're afraid of contracting malaria, of getting a sunburn, of getting an upset stomach, of the violence and gangs in Haiti that we hear about in the media.   We may be afraid our efforts are not of value, that through helping we are hurting, that we are taking away from those who need us at home, that our efforts are but a drop in the bucket and do not matter.

This morning we attended worship where we sang "Healing Rain" and repeated the refrain over and over:   "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid"

Haiti ministers to us.  Haiti heals us.  God is present in a mighty way in Haiti ministering and healing.

I'm not afraid.


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