Monday, January 5, 2015


I met up with my dear friend last night in preparation for a very early departure for my first mission trip.  As we enjoyed our final dinner meal of tasty sushi, I was experiencing some anxiety of what was ahead of us all for the upcoming week.  Our stomachs full, I had almost a sense of guilt as I thought about how the Haitian people we would be soon be seeing certainly wouldn’t be enjoying the same amazing cuisine or even a feeling of a full stomach.  

After a long day of travel and experiencing what felt like aggressive baggage handlers and a lot of waiting, we made it safely in the crowded tap tap to a clean and comfortable guest house where the Team shared a warm and delicious meal.  I kept thinking about those aggressive guys and reflected on the fact that the entire world really rely’s on tips; regardless the venue.  These folks are quite possibly just more needy than others we’re accustomed to, so who’s to blame them.  

I look forward to a restful sleep and the experience to deliver water to those terribly in need tomorrow. 

Chris Thompson

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